The 5 Best Throwing Shoes for Shot Put, Discus & Hammer Throw
This guide was made to help throwers of all levels (beginner to advanced) navigate the endless process of finding the perfect throwing shoe. So forget researching all this info, we’ve already done it for you.
Zoom Rotational – Nike Throwing Shoes
The Nike Zoom Rotational’s are by far my favorite competition shoes ever. It doesn’t matter if you glide or rotate, these shoes are for you. Its well-rounded features include its incredible grip, balance, and performance under tough weather conditions. I have won county, conferences, and even Emerging Elite at New Balance Nationals in these shoes. First, let’s take a look at the pros and cons of this shoe:
- Reliable: Every thrower’s nightmare is going on to a throwing circle that is just too slick. I’ve had moments where my performance has greatly suffered because I couldn’t get adjusted to my throwing environment. You don’t want to be that person that slips and falls when it is raining or when the circle is too fast. On the contrary, you want to be the athlete that uses the speed of the circle (or rain due to loss of friction) and hits positions like you never have before. Pro tip: If you want to avoid slipping, use these shoes and take a wet rag (or spit in your hand) and wipe the bottom of your shoe.
- Speed: Speed is the reason that I was able to throw 180 feet at 185 pounds my senior year of high school. These shoes rank among the fastest that I have ever used, especially fresh out the box. I would recommend breaking these shoes in before your first practice. What I mean by that is: walk around your house or driveway with these on.
- Grip: The grip on the Nike Zoom Rotational is great. It’s easy to feel yourself turning your right (or left if you’re a lefty) in the middle of the circle. These shoes are perfect for slow, normal, and fast circles. Raining during the meet? No need to worry. The grip on these shoes will likely help you stay grounded, especially under tough weather conditions. In addition to its incredible speed, it also provides great stability to be able to hit all your positions.
Even though these are great shoes, there are some downfalls that you should know about:
- Durability: The biggest complaint I would have about these shoes is their durability. Keep in mind, I took 20-30 throws 5 times a week for 50 weeks of the year. I beat these things up. I would probably say that I needed a new pair of shoes every season, so every 3-4 months. Sometimes, shoes would wear down even quicker.
- Design: Over the years, Nike has really stepped up their game. At your competitions, there will likely be a lot of people wearing these due to their popularity. Don’t expect your shoes to stick out unless if you make some modifications like changing the shoelaces or making them your own. I’ve always felt like the design was just icing on the cake. If it looks cool, then great, but my main mission is to throw far.
Conclusion on the Nike Zoom Rotational Throwing Shoes
If you’re going to buy new shoes, I’d suggest these. Without a doubt.
It’s easily one of the cheapest throwing shoes out there (depending on size), and luckily, is one of the best.
Saucony Men Unleashed SD 2 Throwing Shoes

The Saucony Men Unleashed SD 2’s are one of the fastest shows on the market. This is a must-have if you mainly use speed and technique to throw. If you’re not a big and heavy thrower, these might be the shoes for you. They’re lightweight and have an incredibly great grip within the first weeks of using them.
- Speed: These are the fastest throwing shoes that I have personally ever thrown. The Saucony Men Unleashed SD 2’s are perfect for throwers who can develop strong chest-hip separation and harness their speed to throw. These shoes are best used for fast wooden indoor and concrete outdoor circles. They have a great grip and a sole that almost automatically rotates your right/left in the middle. I remember I competed with these at the New York Armory and places with very fast indoor circles. If you hit your positions correctly, you can really feel the reverse C and the stretch across your chest.
- Style: These Saucony throwing shoes are the most stylish on the market. The shoes have an incredibly unique design and stand out during meets. These shoes are especially great when they are fresh out of the box.
- Durability: The biggest problem with this shoe is that the sole wears out quickly. As I said before, fresh out the box these are the best. But after a few weeks of throwing, you will begin to notice a lot of wear-and-tear. If the circle you regularly throw-in is concrete, these shows will not last. Unfortunately, the trade-off you get for having the fastest shoes in your competition is that the durability suffers. If you do opt to purchase these shoes, I would leave them for competition only.
Conclusion on the Saucony Unleashed SD 2’s Throwing Shoes
These Saucony throwing shoes are expensive. However, every penny you pay for this product is well worth it. It will help you turn your right foot in the middle, leading to greater chest-hip separation than ever before.
ASICS Throw Pro Throwing Shoes
The ASICS Throw Pro throwing shoes are the perfect shoe for training purposes, not competitions. They are incredibly durable, and it takes a lot for them to wear out. Their soles are relatively flat compared to the other shoes. This flat slow, however, can be very slippery during the rain. I would recommend these to any thrower looking to understand the fundamentals and is within their first year of throwing.
- Durability: These shoes are perfect for beginners. They are slow, and the sole only provides a little elevation. It’s extremely durable, and the bottom of the shoe is so strong it will not wear out quickly. These shoes are perfect to drill whether you throw shot put, discus or hammer. You can feel positions easily with the ASICS Throw Pro throwing shoes. Unlike Saucony’s Unleashed SD’s, the Asics Throw Pro can allow you to really break down movements and is a great starting point for any thrower.
- Reliability: Honestly, these are the least reliable shoes I’ve tried on before. Don’t get me wrong – they’re fantastic for training days, but you don’t want to be out during a rainy day. At one of my collegiate meets, I saw this shoe fail an entire throwing team. It looked like they were ice skating rather than actually throwing. The circle was slick and it was pouring rain. Amongst the people that fell, was one of the most talented throwers at the meet. It wasn’t until that athlete fell that lightning came down, and the officials decided to delay the meet. Therefore, if you are going to purchase these, just be wary of any weather conditions before venturing into your next competition.
Conclusions on the ASICS Throw Pro Throwing Shoes
This is the only version of ASICS throwing shoes you should own. They’re meant for slow and medium speed circles, but not for bad weather conditions. They are incredibly great for doing lots of repetitions, but you should really not be using them for competition. I would suggest the Nike Zoom Rotational for competition over these any day.
Adidas Adizero Throwing Shoes

Up next in our review is the Adidas Adizero. I used these throwing shoes as a practice pair during my sophomore year at William & Mary. These shoes were a solid pair of shoes, and I highly recommend these for people who are looking to get a lot of reps in, without all the wear and tear of Nike Rotationals.
The Adidas Adizero throwing shoes should be used for training purposes, not competitions (just like the ASICS Throw Pros). While I was at William & Mary, I was able to use these shoes frequently during training. These shoes were awesome because they were so comfortable and allowed you to feel your positions throughout the throw – especially out of the back of the circle.
- Durability: These shoes are incredibly durable. These shoes lasted me several seasons, in comparison to the Nike Zoom Rotational. There is a lot of value in having shoes that last you a long time. You become more comfortable with them on, and there’s less of a learning curve when it comes to adjusting to new shoes.
- Comfortability: If you’re stuck between these and the ASICS Throw Pros, I would just ask yourself: do you like your throwing shoes to be stiffer or more comfortable? If you like the comfortable aspect more, these are definitely your best bet. The sole is completely smooth, and this is one of the few shoes that I have that are still someone in tact and do not have any holes in them.
- Competition: I would not recommend these for competitions. Don’t get me wrong – these shoes are great, but I would use the Nike Zoom Rotational for competition. The reason I wouldn’t use these in competition is that when you’re competing, you’re going to want to feel your foot turning in the middle. With that in mind, you’re going to want a stiffer model that will really help you feel that chest-hip separation. If your technique is fantastic, you will probably be able to feel the turn in the middle regardless, but I just think the Nike shoes do a much better job at making that easier.
Conclusion on the Adidas Adizero Throwing Shoes
These shoes are great for longer-term throwers who are looking to get their reps in. This is perfect for practice sessions, and lots of drilling. They will allow you to slow down and really understand your positions. I have taken more throws in these shoes than any of the others on the list simply because these just don’t go bad. If you’re looking for a great practice shoe, this is the one. If you’re looking for a competition shoe, my suggestion will always be to get the Zoom Rotational for rotators or the Nike Zoom SD’s for gliders.
Nike Zoom SD Throwing Shoes

Last, but certainly not least, are the Nike Zoom SD’s. I would say that these shoes are great for intermediate throwers. I mainly used these as a glider when I was throwing anywhere between 35-45 feet my freshman and sophomore year. All that being considered, let’s look into this shoe a little deeper:
The Nike Zoom SD’s are the perfect throwing shoes for gliders. They offer the same functionality as the Nike Rotational but offer a better structure to generate linear power. They offer a softer sole at the toes, so you can stay on the balls of your feet and allow for quick recovery at the finish. Gliders and rotators alike need to extend as far as they can beyond the toe board, and these shoes definitely help achieve that.
- Reliable: I loved these shoes simply because I knew I could rely on them. They always got the job done. They wore down quicker than the rotational, but that’s because of the wear and tear from linear movements. I believe that these would best fit gliders, however, throwers that spin can also benefit from this too.
- Price: These are like the off-brand Nike Rotational. The prices on these are usually much better than the Rotational brand. You’re getting a similar value product but at a lower cost!
- Price: You get what you pay for. It’s not as durable or even quality made as to the Nike Rotational. The only way I’d recommend this over the Nike Rotational is if you are a full-time glider hitting over 55+ consistently at meets.
Conclusion on Nike Zoom SD’s Throwing Shoes
I personally loved the Nike Rotational over these but could understand why someone would prefer the SD’s. I think I would have used the SD’s if I was a full-time glider.
Best Throwing Shoes by Skill Level
I often get the question: “Vlad, what throwing shoes should I get?” Great question! There are a lot of things to consider when purchasing throwing shoes. Luckily, we are here to help and provide our top recommendations.
- Beginner: For beginners, the best throwing shoe is the ASICS Men’s Throws Pro. We would define a beginner as anyone who has throw shot put, hammer, or discus throw for less than a year. This can also qualify any male throwing anything less than 35 feet. That might be a harsh categorization, but it’s reality. The majority of meets that you go to consist of people that are just standing around laughing and not necessarily there to throw far. In order to move up in skill level, you must be dedicated to your craft, regardless of strength levels.
- Intermediate: For intermediate throwers, the best throwing shoe is the Nike SD’s. We would define an intermediate thrower as someone who has been throwing between 1-3 years and is a male throwing anywhere between 35-45 feet. The Nike SD’s are a great introductory shoe as you get closer to utilizing the Nike Rotational. Again, if you’re a glider only, you should stay with these and consider these to be your final destination. However, for throwers that spin, they should move up to the Nike Rotational once they have at least hit 40 feet.
- Advanced: For advanced throwers, the best throwing shoe is of course the Nike Rotational. These shoes, as I have raved about before, at hands-down the best throwing shoes that you can own.
Step-by-Step Guide to Getting the Right Throwing Shoes This Season
- Take a look at each of the following products. This ultimate guide gave an honest review of the top five throwing shoes out in the market. Each will fit a throwers needs differently.
- Determine what is the most important aspect that matters to you. What matters to you most? Price? Speed? Durability? All of these questions are above, but it’s important to know this as you begin your search.
- Make your purchase & get training. Amazon is hands down the best place to order your shoes. Our highest recommendation is for the Nike Zoom Rotational’s. After making your purchase, you should be practicing at least three days a week year-round (taking 20-30+ throws a day). The numbers will begin to add up, and your efforts will begin to shine. Throw far, and always remember to check back for any updates on the latest best throwing shoes.
A Final Note
The biggest thing I want you to remember is that you need to put in the work. Throwing shoes will not resolve your inability to throw far, only working hard can do that. I am very happy that you’re researching because it’s the first step to becoming great. You will not throw far in sneakers. Take yourself seriously. Throwing shoes will dramatically increase your throws (depending on skill level). It’s time to take yourself seriously and grab your first or next pair of throwing shoes. If you’d like to work with me, feel free to check out my page and schedule a free coaching call.
Throw far, friends!